a carrier for lamby

Pia was hiding her beloved ‘Lamby’ (a stuffed animal lamb) in the closet where I had chosen to store all the Christmas presents and I panicked a bit. “Lamby!” I cried, “you can’t go in there! Your Christmas presents and Pia’s Christmas presents are in there!” At which point Pia looked at me with those big, wonder-filled eyes that kids get when something they had never thought of before occurs to them. “Lamby gets presents?” she asked in amazement. Until that point I had no intention of giving Lamby a present, but the moment was too cute and I decided to go with it. “Of course Lamby gets presents, she’s Lamby after all.” (Lamby had been by Pia’s side at school during her tear-filled first two months of kindergarten… she is far and away Pia’s favorite stuffed animal.)

As luck would have it, the always-inspiring light blue grey had posted about a doggy bag she had made for her daughter’s stuffed dog just earlier this month. So with that in mind, I made this for Lamby:

which she fits in perfectly:

And, yes, I have now moved all the Christmas presents to a different hiding spot.

4 responses »

  1. Very cute. But no teensy bag for Little Foot? Won’t he (she?) be jealous? And what about Darwin? Or don’t you have enough fabric? =P

  2. Do you have the pattern for your stuffed animal carrier

    • Lynn- I don’t have a pattern, I just winged it based on looking at the picture on lightbluegrey’s blog. Sorry!


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